Not Vaccines, They are Genetic Therapies - Open Letter to Trump - WITNESS STATEMENT The Film - Is this The Greatest Rant in History? - Would You Like a Turbo Cancer?
The Credible Medical News Network -- CMNnews -- UPDATE 3rd February 2025 -- Curated from Global sources -- Updated Twice Weekly -- We roam the planet looking for the best news items to bring to you
DR RYAN COLE – PATHOLOGIST — START VIDEO AT 38 MINUTES – “These are not vaccines. They are Genetic Therapies”
An Open Letter to the Trump Administration
Re: Exiting the WHO and cancelling USA WHO Collaborating Center agreements
Full Film: WITNESS STATEMENT - the stunning Australian film that outlines in great detail the Covid Crimes committed since 2020 -- Send it on
What happened must never happen again. The perpetrators must be held accountable.
(9 Segments: 2.5 Hours in total)
(1.5 Minutes)
A Short Excerpt – the rest is definitely worth reading
“When we found out that the vaccines were causing Immunoglobulin G4 class switches and immune tolerance toward Spike trending toward eventual negative efficacy, our governments should have put a moratorium on further use of the shots. When we found out that Pfizer falsified their Western Blots and lied to regulators about the presence of plasmid DNA with an SV40 promoter sequence in it at concentrations well beyond regulatory limits, thanks to Kevin McKernan’s tireless work hunting down contaminants in the vaccines, our governments should have put a moratorium on further use of the shots. When multiple people, to include Ed Dowd, Denis Rancourt, and others, found evidence of excess death that corresponded with peaks in COVID-19 vaccination uptake, that should have been a sign. A sign for our governments to put a moratorium on further use of the COVID-19 vaccines, and to investigate the manufacturers for fraud. Did they stop? Did they? No. They did not. They threw Brook Jackson’s case out. They had the audacity to say that investigating clinical trial fraud by the vaccine manufacturers was against the public health policy of the United States. You know what that means, don’t you? Fraud is the public health policy of the United States.”
UK's Best Personal Trainer Makes a U-Turn on COVID Vaccines??
Alberta government COVID-19 review calls for immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, citing safety concerns
Among the most striking findings of the report is the task force’s criticism of Health Canada’s decision-making process for the rushed to market novel modified RNA injections. The group points out that there were “significant gaps” in the data supporting the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines. In fact, Health Canada has failed to disclose whether a proper risk assessment was ever conducted to justify the widespread use of these vaccines in individuals under 18, particularly considering the lack of long-term clinical data.
Would you like a turbo cancer with that?
Glymphatics and misfolded (protein) truths
There is more than meets the eye
AstraZeneca Executive: "We Received a Phone Call From DARPA Telling Us That COVID Has Been Declared a National Security Threat." ONE MONTH Before a Pandemic Was Announced
Sasha Latypova describes how DARPA,specifically Colonel Matthew Hepburn, coordinated the COVID-injection campaign in the U.S.
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism
This is the everyman's introduction to Technocracy and Transhumanism that builds on my previous books on Technocracy. Both are primary to the World Economic Forum's Great Reset, in partnership with the United Nations, to replace Capitalism with an alternative economic system called Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Further, humans themselves are targeted by Transhumanists to change the human condition into Humans 2.0 via genetic engineering. Thus, Technocracy transforms the structure and economic system of the world, while Transhumanism transforms the people who live there.
Technocracy wants to rule the earth in a panopticon of scientific dictatorship. Transhumanists want to live forever and become omniscient. Both are mechanistic systems that see nature as something to be studied, manipulated and conquered. Both see themselves as the new intelligent designers of the world, including humans. Both seek to craft a future for planet earth that nobody asked for, voted for or wanted.
THE VIDEO -- The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism -- Patrick Wood
So, the very same mRNA technology that’s killed millions already and has been shown to cause turbo cancers is now proposed to combat cancer? As Mary Holland points out, “We at CHD are investigating and doing research right now on these turbo cancers. We know that these mRNA shots are not safe for everybody. In fact, for some people, they're absolutely deadly.”
Kelly Newton-Wordsworth
Truly inspired music to help awaken the world.
Bill introduced into the Italian Parliament to Exit the WHO by the League's Senator Claudio Borghi and Deputy Alberto Bagnai
ICAN Acquires Critical FDA Safety Reports Concerning COVID-19 Vaccines
The most stunning thing on this data is that it reveals that the FDA safety monitoring is inept. VAERS is going bonkers with more reports than all other vaccines combined, and the FDA sees no problems
Medical journal article criticises corrupt medical journals
Medical Journals as Gatekeepers: A Broken System
Research challenging the safety of Covid-19 vaccines is being silenced by medical journals, stifling critical debate.
The Biggest MHRA Failure Of Them All?
Rolling out a different "vaccine" to the public than the one tested in the clinical trials
Canadian Province Recommends Halt of COVID-19 Vaccinations
Alberta's 269-page report "is a sweeping criticism of the government's response and defense of contrarian arguments."
Court Rules Against Hospital That Fired Woman for Refusing COVID Vaccine
Saint Luke’s Health Systems improperly fired an employee when it rejected her request for a religious exemption from the hospital system’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, the Court of Appeal of the State of Kansas ruled.
Another fantastic monologue by Neil Oliver: Three Minutes of Truth
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