Renowned Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid “Vaccines” are “Bioweapons” - My father was brutally murdered in hospital ICU while I watched -- Scientific Journals Corrupted for a Very Long Time
The Credible Medical News Network -- CMNnews -- UPDATE 21st November 2024 -- From Global sources -- Updated Twice Weekly -- We roam the planet for the best news items
1. Renowned Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid “Vaccines” are “Bioweapons”
“My father was brutally murdered in hospital ICU while I watched”
DR RENATA MOON -- Covid Vaccine Safety Concerns: A Pediatrician's Stand
COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm – Countermeasures are Weapons – January 2023
HORRIFIC: Four Kids Lost Their Father to a Heart Attack. Their Turbo Cancer-stricken Mum Died Months Later. Both parents were mandated COVID-19 vaccines
And More ………. lots more
Renowned Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid “Vaccines” are “Bioweapons”
One of the world's most revered medical experts has issued a warning to the public that Covid mRNA "vaccines" were created to "strict military criteria" to serve as a "bioweapon."
Read more:
HALT HOSPITAL HOMICIDE – this short 10 minute testimonial is stunning -- from a son who watched his father being murdered in the ICU of the hospital he helped make famous
“My father was brutally murdered”
DR RENATA MOON -- Covid Vaccine Safety Concerns: A Pediatrician's Stand
In a revealing Senate hearing, Dr. Renata Moon exposed a startling lack of transparency in the COVID vax rollout, highlighting blank vaccine inserts and the suppression of adverse reaction reports.
COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm – Countermeasures are Weapons – January 2023
Persistent Nonviral Plasmid Vector in Nasal Tissues Causes False-Positive SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostic Nucleic Acid Tests
IMPORTANCE Asymptomatic laboratory workers who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 for days to months were found to harbor a laboratory plasmid vector containing SARS-CoV-2 DNA, which they had worked with in the past, in their nasal secretions. While prior studies have documented contamination of research personnel with PCR amplicons, our observation is novel, as these individuals shed the laboratory plasmid over days to months, including during isolation in their homes. This suggests that the plasmid was in their nasal tissues or that bacteria containing the plasmid had colonized their noses. While plasmids are generally safe, our detection of plasmid DNA in the nasal secretions of laboratory workers for weeks after they had stopped working with the plasmid shows the potential for these reagents to interfere with clinical tests and emphasizes that occupational exposures in the preceding months should be considered when interpreting diagnostic clinical tests.
What other industry receives its raw materials from its customers, gets those same customers to carry out the quality control of those materials, and then sells the same materials back to the customers at a vastly inflated price?
Robert Maxwell, who turned scientific journals into a spectacular money-making machine that bankrolled his rise in British society. Maxwell would go on to become an MP, a press baron who challenged Rupert Murdoch, and one of the most notorious figures in British life. But his true importance was far larger than most of us realise. Improbable as it might sound, few people in the last century have done more to shape the way science is conducted today than Maxwell.
HORRIFIC: Four Kids Lost Their Father to a Heart Attack. Their Turbo Cancer-stricken Mum Died Months Later
Both parents were mandated COVID-19 vaccines.
Watch: Engineer Sues Massachusetts School of Law Over Vaccine Policy
MA Appeals Court hears complaint from law school student who claims schools misleading policy cost him his education
Boston, MA - In a case that highlights the complexities of institutional policies during the COVID-19 era, John Beaudoin Sr., a self-represented engineer, has brought a lawsuit against the Massachusetts School of Law, its Director of Admissions Rohit Bhasin, and Dean Michael Coyne. The case, which was recently heard in an appeals court, revolves around alleged promises made by the school regarding vaccine exemptions and the subsequent handling of these exemptions.
Fauci knows that N-acetylcysteine therapy NAC works
You must watch this short video -- Dr Claire Craig a Pathologist in the UK explains the “Covid” Deaths
"A Pathway to Save the World?" -- Christie Laura Grace 7/25/24
Discussing the cGAS-STING Pathway
The explanations given by Christie Grace paraphrased --
cGAS-STING is a ….“A “smoke detector” for foreign attacks/threats on the body – there are 4 different forms of the pathway and they are racially specific.”
In regard to the Covid Vaccines -- “Spike Protein can activate it – DNA Plasmid contamination can activate it.” “Foreign DNA is seen as a major threat” …. causing cytokine release and then “Genomic instability can then occur in the body”. “Myocarditis or Percarditis, for example, can then occur”.
“Auto-immunity is triggered this way.”
“Hydroxychloroquine blocks the cGAS pathway”.
“So (perhaps) might diABZI”. “It has been shown to shrink cancers”. “diABZI has also been shown to stop the cytokine storm triggered by Acute Delta Covid”
Low Methionine Diets may assist in moderating the cGAS pathway”.
The cGAS–STING pathway as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases -- A Review article
The cGAS–STING signalling pathway has emerged as a key mediator of inflammation in the settings of infection, cellular stress and tissue damage. Underlying this broad involvement of the cGAS–STING pathway is its capacity to sense and regulate the cellular response towards microbial and host-derived DNAs, which serve as ubiquitous danger-associated molecules.
Insights into the structural and molecular biology of the cGAS–STING pathway have enabled the development of selective small-molecule inhibitors with the potential to target the cGAS–STING axis in a number of inflammatory diseases in humans. Here, we outline the principal elements of the cGAS–STING signalling cascade and discuss the general mechanisms underlying the association of cGAS–STING activity with various autoinflammatory, autoimmune and degenerative diseases. Finally, we outline the chemical nature of recently developed cGAS and STING antagonists and summarize their potential clinical applications.
Is Singapore's Healthcare System Facing a Crisis? A Special Guest Post from Singapore's Most Senior Oncologist
"My colleagues report increases in blood cancers, leukemia, relapses, as well as colon and breast cancers."
516 Times More DNA Contamination in COVID Jab Than FDA Limit—SV40 Cancer Sequence and Risk of Human Genome 'Integration': French Study
Contamination found at 516 times the FDA and EMA legal limit of 10 nanograms per dose.
Nine Things About Vaccines That You Should Know but That No One Else Will Tell You —Dr. Vernon Coleman
Unexplored biosafety issues with respect to self-amplifying (RdRp) RNA-LNP products
Is recombination a potential outcome? If so, we could have a very big problem on our hands: Unanswered questions that need to be addressed
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act
We Happy Few ….
My Wellington talk at the "Safe and Effective" New Zealand Roadshow
‘‘It felt CRIMINAL’’
‘‘We warned RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING this would have implications…it just felt so wrong.’’
‘‘For some there was SELF INJUROUS behaviours … where they are picking (themselves) or HEAD BANGING.’’
‘‘As a result of school closures, families reported to us that their young people lost communication skills. It was devastating. There were concerns about the low mood of their children and young people. Many families highlighted that they could see that their children were depressed, appeared lost and were isolated. These children and young people lost skills which had taken their lifetime to develop.’’
Excess deaths publication – British Medical Journal
Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022
Pharmaceutical Product Recalls – A Review
Of many pharmaceutical products launched for the benefit of humanity, a significant number have had to be recalled from the marketplace due to adverse events.
Dr John Campbell Reviews the Paper
THE PAPER ITSELF — shocking pharma recalls
A systematic review, 1953 – 2013 Recalls for 462 pharmaceutical products
In our current and remarkable period of medical history
Excess mortality figures are high in many countries, often ignored or dismissed by mainstream news outlets.
This excess mortality may include adverse effects caused by novel pharmaceutical agents that use gene-code technology.
Parallels with past drug withdrawals and gene-based vaccines, include distortion of clinical trial data, with critical adverse event data absent from high-impact journal publications.
Delayed regulatory action on pharmacovigilance data to trigger market withdrawal, occurred with Vioxx (rofecoxib), rofecoxib and is apparent with the gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.
Public health requires access to raw clinical trial data, improved transparency from corporations and heightened, active pharmacovigilance worldwide.
Strong science, characterised by open mindedness, objectivity, curiosity and freedom of debate,
can be corrupted by capitalist opportunism, deception, political ideology and censorship.
The global pharmaceutical industry revenues are
US $ 390 billion USD (2001)
US $ 1,482 billion USD (2022)
From 1953 onwards
462 + medicinal products have had to be recalled
Median interval, first reported adverse reaction to year of first withdrawal, 6 years (IQR, 1–15)
Thalidomide 1957, marketed in Germany 1958, thalidomide was licensed and promoted in the UK as a “wonder drug” to treat headaches, insomnia, and nausea in pregnant women
Advertisements emphasised safety catch phrases such as “non-toxic” and “no known toxicity”
1961, first publication on birth defect
1961, thalidomide withdrawn
2023, Australian Prime Minister announced a “formal national apology to all Australians impacted by the Thalidomide Tragedy”
FDA scientist Frances Kelsey
Demanded further safety trials prior to market authorisation, thalidomide was never approved for release in the USA
Vioxx (rofecoxib), withdrawn, 2004
Concealed adverse cardiovascular events in the Vioxx arm of the study
American physicians, support and finance for research, defamed, withdrew support, and tried to discredit or “neutralise” those who failed to promote use of Vioxx
(Federal Court in Melbourne, Australia)
Over 20 million people in the US are believed to have taken vioxx, of whom an estimated 88,000 to 139,000 suffered myocardial infarctions, with 30–40% fatality rate
(testimony of Dr Graham to the US Senate),
Merck had created a settlement fund of $4.85 billion
COVID-19 gene-based vaccines
The key failure is to have mandated injections in young and healthy adults; these mandates correlate with excess mortality.
BMJ Public Health
Excess mortality January 2020 to December 2022
47 Western nations, over three million excess deaths, the highest number of excess deaths was reported in 2021 (the year in which mass vaccination began)
Use of the term “vaccine” for novel experimental agents that deploy gene codes may convey a false sense of assurance.
Key failures
Coercion and mandates, ridicule of educated hesitancy
Western Australia was essentially free of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2021.
Medical research
The crisis rests on pressure to publish, failure to publish negative and/or unfavourable data,
lack of data transparency, “burial” of data poor methodological design of studies, statistical errors, carelessness, inexperience of peer reviewers and editors, commercial interest, ideological biases, failure to declare conflicts of interest and fraud.
Distorted data, particularly due to commercial bias, is regularly published in medical journals.
“marketing-based medicine” that is at odds with “evidence-based medicine”.
Illusion of evidence-based medicine
Lack of recognition of pharmacovigilance data
A polio vaccine was withdrawn after just 10 death reports,
the Swine Flu vaccine of 1976 was recalled after just 25 of the ultimate 53 death reports.
Pharmacovigilance underestimation factor
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The long predicted and long awaited awakening is underway - and will pick up speed.
The 1% elite may want to stop gloating - may want to stop believing that they have won anything - whatsoever.
Mistakes were not made - this was deliberate genocide.
The whole world will know this.
Let’s keep talking about these mRNA bio weapons until the Big Pharma is held fully responsible, they lied and deceived to get EUA and that would make them liable. Criminal intent to deceive everyone for profit and depopulation is a call for war. No protection. Prisons need to be build to house them all for mass murder. All the 💰going to illegals and Ukraine should be used instead to build huge prisons, Fauci would be the first inmate. But there’s a long list of guilty parties including many in the media, politicians, drs, hospital admin., CEO’s of many organizations, alphabet agencies, military leaders, I could go on, you get it…poison jabs, intentionally given thru fear induced mandates. This should never have happened in America or anywhere else. Never……🤬😢☹️