Glad you posted this - as a Canadian FB profile the word NEWS CANNOT be shared on FB. Sharing a substack with the same content circumvents this FB fascist compliance with Canadian laws forbidding sharing NEWS on FB.

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Substacks like this one, and alternative non-mainstream news and medical news sites are the only way to get “truth” these days. While censorship on some sites has gotten a little less stringent, by and large it still rages on. I’m always amazed at people I encounter who have zero clue about the excess deaths, and yet all of them have friends or relatives or associates who have “died suddenly” or developed turbo cancers, or early onset Parkinson’s or any numbers of other illnesses. And how many are on their 4th or 5th bout of Covid? They cannot connect the dots because they can’t SEE the dots, they’re not ALLOWED to see the dots!

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same faux-ci playbook as aids , kill them with the treatment and blame the disease

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Keep at it Bill ; they kept at us with the great narrative for 4 + years and I suspect, still on it from their effective messaging .

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That strange death spike in early 2022 looks just like the death spike in Canada that occurred at the same time. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/7/13/democide-in-canada-2020-2022

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Glad Bill Rice pointed his readers to your stack. I would wager that IF data from other countries was legit, all heavily vaccinated countries would have a similar chart.

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Hi guys, I've been following your info for awhile now, right back to ur first newsletter 10th July 2021. You had a lot on ur Covid Medical Network website, has this all been moved over to this substack? Also is there ways to touch base with your network. I see now ur known as Australian Medical Network, when did that change?

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